Lore Star has been always open to collaborations with other entities in order to expand its reach and capacities.

If you are interested to discuss a partnership with us, please contact us!

Our Partners

Advance Services

Advance Services is a deep-tech enterprise that is activated in implementing and coordinating meaningful and innovative technological solutions.


Devit is a spin-off of the University of Rome "Tor Vergata" that provides consulting and development in the IT sector.


Infeurope S.A. is a services provider based in Luxembourg delivering solutions to European clients in the fields of communication, multimedia, intellectual property, semantic web, managed IT services and many other areas.


Ontotext is the leading global provider of enterprise knowledge graph technology and semantic database engines with offices in USA, Bulgaria and Switzerland. Ontotext’s technology and services help businesses connect data and define relationships to get the most out of business-critical data. Ontotext GraphDB engine is credited for powering business-critical systems in some of the largest banks, media, market intelligence agencies, car and aerospace manufacturers.


Sparna is an IT consulting company specializing in the challenges of knowledge organization, annotation and indexing of documents, opening and reuse of data. Sparna is the maker of the Supernatural visual query builder.