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Realization of VocBench: the next-generation open-source collaborative Knowledge Management platform of the EU


Public Multilingual Knowledge Infrastructure. This project funded by the ISA2 programme of the EU and managed by the Publications Office

VocBench & EcoPortal

LifeWatch integration between VocBench and EcoPortal

Publication of italian laws in the Akoma Ntoso format on the Italian government portal Normattiva

Chairos Linked Data

Chairos Linked Data: a Linked Dataset of projects funded and managed by "Fondazione con il Sud" and "Con i Bambini" through their tender & project management platform Chairos


Realizing LegalHTML, a unifying representation model for legal acts addressing visualization, structure and semantics


BE-LISA: Semantic Platforms ecosystem for LifeWatch Italy

Supporting the National Agricultural Library of the U.S. Department of Agriculture in maintaining and publishing their knowledge assets

Consultancy on improving the process of maintenance and evolution of Semantic Assets at the Publications Office of the EU

Publications Office of the EU: Data Management and Publication

Supporting the Publications Office of the EU with knowledge management and publication systems